Saturday, August 31, 2019

Apply Dsm-Iv to William Styron Essay

He chronicles â€Å"the leaden and poisonous mood† (Styron, 1990) that occupies most of his days. He reflects his diminished interest and pleasure towards â€Å"exceptionally island’s pleasure†, his â€Å"beloved home†, writing and other activities that he used to enjoy. He wonders how his friendly place seemed so hostile and forbidding. As a writer it felt helpless and painful to him when he found out â€Å"the writing becomes more difficult and exhausting, finally ceased† because depression has made him unable to concentrate. Styron’s statement of â€Å"two or three hours of sleep I was able to get at night† indicated that he suffered from insomnia and the everyday sleepless was â€Å"a rare torture† to him. It was clear that his insomnia evolved from middle insomnia to severe insomnia just right before his hospitalization (Andreasen & Black, 2011). Styron also stated his slowed psychomotor functions that manifested in â€Å"slowed-down responses, near paralysis, psychic energy throttled back close to zero†. Styron further describes his mental illness severity as â€Å"reached the phase of the disorder where all sense of hope had vanished, along with the idea of a futurity†. While these particular descriptions depict Styron’s hopelessness and despair, he also proposed a question â€Å"Why wasn’t I in a hospital† which implies his later voluntary hospitalization and improvement in his illness. In addition, Styron constantly thinks about death and suicide evidenced by â€Å"Death, was now a daily presence†. His house has also become a place that was filled with possibilities of committing suicide. These core symptoms in Styron’s case defined major depression and has presented for more than two weeks (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Styron stated by himself that there was no manic episode occurs. And there were no evidence for a Mixed Episode. Although it was clear that client’s alcohol abuse history and his overuse of sleep medication play roles in his depression client’s depression are not due to the direct physiological effects of the substances or any general medical condition (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). It is interesting to address that client’s symptoms are not better accounted for by Bereavement but the unresolved grief Styron had toward his mother can be consider a major factor that contributed to his depression. The childhood trauma and the unresolved grief will be discussed later in this essay. In Styron’s case his depression began gradually during the six to eight month time frame. â€Å"Styron is on point in his astute description of milder dysthymic states that evolve into physiologically engaged forms of sever, endogenous depressions† (England, Ganzer, Foster, & Tosone, 2006). Based on client’s current situation it is reasonable to give Styron â€Å"moderate† with current GAF score of 65. Styron stayed in hospital for nearly seven weeks and discharged with an improvement in his illness and his functions. All of his statements of â€Å"I began to get well, gradually but steadily† â€Å"the fantasies of self destruction disappeared† â€Å"suicidal notions dwindled then disappeared† â€Å"had first dream in many months† indicated that he was in the process of Partial recovery. Not only he started to feel â€Å"peace† in his mind but also he was able to attend hospital group activities. Styron has high adaptive level of defensive functions at current state. The understanding of the causes of depression has evolved over centuries. While Styron was detecting his â€Å"forgotten or buried events† that underlay his depression it will be important to look into his case through the biopsychosocial lens. From biopsychosocial model perspective the three major factors which all play a role in causing depression are biological, psychological and social factors. There are three aspects that contribute to Styron’s biological factor: genetic, alcohol use and medication. Based on Styron’s memory, his father, a shipyard engineer, suffered from clinical depression. When Styron was a young boy he have witnessed his father’s depression and hospitalization. Recent genetic research supports earlier studies reporting family links in depression (Pittenger & Duman, 2008). If one or both of child’s parents have a vulnerability to depression, then it can be transmitted to the child. Therefore Styron’s father’s depression can be viewed as a risk factor to Styron’s later depression. In the narrative of Styron, he stated his dependence on alcohol and the overuse of Halcion for his sleeping problem. Excessive alcohol consumption significantly increases the risk of developing major depression (Gottlieb). Similar to alcohol, the increased risk for developing depression in benzodiazepines might be due in part to effects of drugs on neurochemistry, like decreased levels of serotonin and norepinephrine (Pittenger & Duman, 2008). Styron himself acclaims that â€Å"more significant factor† (Styron, 1990) to his depression was the death of his mother when he was thirteen. In order to view psychological factor in Styron’s case Styron’s early mother lost has strong affect on his depression. Attachment theory predicts a relationship between depressive disorder and the early bond between the child and parents. Particularly the experiences of early loss, separation may all lead to insecure internal working models (Ma, 2006). To Styron, the death of his mother has â€Å"created nearly irreparable emotional havoc† (Styron, 1990) for him. This huge hole in his life may lead to his insecure and self-worthlessness. This insecure internal working models manifest through depressed individuals often blaming themselves for negative events and may not taking credit for positive outcomes. Styron reaction towards can be interpreted as he subconsciously felt he was not worthy of the honor (Marowitz, 2009). Regarding Styron’s own insight of â€Å"incomplete mourning† (Styron, 1990) he is right about the unsolved grief can keep bring the â€Å"insufferable burden of rage, guilt and sorrow†. â€Å"The Styrons were a dignified Southern WASP fanily and open displays of grief were tacitly discouraged† (England, Ganzer, Foster, & Tosone, 2006). Since Styron was stuck in the phase of unresolved grief and using rage, guilt, and sorrow as the fuel for his work he never really learned a correct way to release his negative repeating emotions. Social factor in Styron’s case may be his social isolation during his early life from childhood to adolescent. As an only child in the family Styron’s social support can only come from his depressed father and mother with terminal illness. There was no one to share the burden and loneliness with him. As a pre mature and gifted child Styron went to school’s grade that did not match his developmental stage.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Participative Management Essay

The world today is filled up with working places and organizations. Every organization is putting its efforts to run the trade and commerce of the world. The top most organizations of the world such as Intel, Microsoft and IBM are the best because they have the best human resource. The human resource of a company plays the most vital role which pushes the organization to the zenith of their expectations. The main aspect of an organizations success is the team work and management of time and resources. According to Wikipedia, â€Å"Teamwork is the concept of people, working together cooperatively or as a team in order to accomplish the same goals and objectives†. A general dictionary defines teamwork as a â€Å"Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group (sociology) of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause, unison for a higher cause, people working together for a selfless purpose, and so on.† Some things cannot be accomplished by people working all by them selves. Larger, more ambitious goals usually require a number of people work together with other people. Because of this obstacle, teamwork is a desired goal of many leading businesses and organizations today. Projects often require those people who can work together in order to accomplish a common goal. Although critics often argue that in the corporate business world teamwork has become an empty buzzword, or a form of corporate-speak. Effective collaborative skills (knowledge) are necessary to work well in an environment like this. As businesses and organizations become larger or more complicated. Many employers attempt to enhance their employees’ collaborative efforts through self-training, cross-training and conducting workshops in order to help people effectively work together in a group and accomplish shared goals. What is participative management? Participative management can be easily explained as â€Å"An open form of management where employees have a strong decision-making role†. Participative management is developed by managers who actively seek a strong cooperative relationship with their employees and colleagues. The advantages of participative management include increased productivity, improved quality, and reduced costs Once Ken Blanchard said, â€Å"None of us is as smart as all of us†. Participative (or participatory) management, otherwise known as employee involvement or participative decision making, encourages the involvement of stakeholders at all levels of an organization in the analyzing of problems, development of strategies and implementation of solutions. Employees are brought together to share in the decision-making process of the firms by participating in activities such as setting goals, determining work schedules and putting forward suggestions. Other forms of participative management include increasing the responsibility of employees (job enrichment); forming self-managed teams, quality circles, or quality-of-work-life committees; and soliciting survey feedback. Participative management, however, involves more than allowing employees to take part in making their own decisions too. It also involves management treating the ideas and suggestions of employees with consideration and respect. The most extensive form of participative management is direct emp loyee ownership of a company. Four processes influence participation. These processes create employee involvement as they are pushed down to the lowest levels in an organization. The farther down these processes move, the higher the level of involvement by employees. The four processes include: 1. Information sharing, which is concerned with keeping employees informed about the economic status of the company. 2. Training involves raising the skill levels of employees and offering development opportunities that allow them to apply new skills to make effective decisions regarding the organization as a whole. 3. Employee decision making, which can take many forms, from determining work schedules to deciding on budgets or processes. 4. Rewards, which should be tied to suggestions and ideas as well as performance. Benefits of participative management A participative management style offers various benefits at all levels of an organization. By creating a sense of ownership in a company, participative management instills a sense of pride and motivates employees to increase productivity in order to achieve their goals. Employees who participate in the decisions of the company feel like they are a big part of a team with a common goal and find their sense of self-esteem and creative fulfillment heightened which results in a brilliant motivation which increases the productivity of an individual. Managers who use a participative style find that employees are more receptive to change than in situations in which they have no voice or part. Changes are implemented more effectively when employees have input and make contributions to decisions. Participation keeps employees informed of upcoming events so they will be aware of potential changes. The organization can then place itself in a proactive mode instead of a reactive one, as managers are able to quickly identify areas of concern and turn to employees for solutions. Participation helps employees gain a wider view of the organization. Through training, development opportunities, and information sharing, employees can acquire the conceptual skills needed to become effective managers or top executives. It also increases the commitment of employees to the organization and the decisions they make. Creativity and innovation are two important benefits of participative management. By allowing a diverse group of employees to have input into decisions, the organization benefits from the synergy that comes from a wider choice of options. When all employees, instead of just managers or executives, are given the opportunity to participate, the chances is increased that a valid and unique idea will be suggested. Requirements of participative management A common misconception by managers is that participative management involves simply asking employees to participate or make suggestions or take part in making changes. Effective programs involve more than just a suggestion box. In order for participative management to work, several issues must be resolved and several requirements must be met. First, managers must be willing to relinquish some control to their workers; managers must feel secure in their position in order for participation to be successful. Often managers do not realize that employees’ respect for them will increase instead of decrease when they implement a participative management style where all of the employees are considered eligible to give suggestions. The success of participative management depends on effective planning and a slow, phased approach. Changing employees’ ideas about management takes time, as does any successful attempt at a total cultural change from a democratic or autocratic style of management to a participative style. Long-term employees may resist changes, not believing they will last. In order for participation to be effective, managers must be genuine and honest in implementing the program. Many employees will need to consistently see proof that their ideas will be accepted or at least seriously considered. The employees must be able to trust their managers and feel they are respected. . It is important to remember that the manager may not agree with every idea or suggestion given by an employee, how those ideas are received is critical to succeed in participative management. Participatory management does not work with employees who are passive or simply do not care about the organization. Many times employees do not have the skills or information necessary to make good suggestions or decisions too. In this case, it is important to provide them with information or training; so they can make informative choices about their field of expertise. One way to help employees engage in the decision-making process is by knowing their individual strengths and capitalizing on them. By guiding employees towards such areas in which they are knowledgeable, a manager can help to ensure their success. Managers should also give employees time to think about ideas or alternative decisions. Employees often do not do their most creative thinking on the spot and take little bit of more time. Another important element for implementing a successful participative management style is the visible integration of employees’ suggestions into the final decision or implementation of the decision. Employees need to know that they have made a contribution to the thought of the organization and should be appreciated for it. Offering employees a choice in the final decision is important because it increases their commitment, motivation, and job satisfaction. Sometimes even just presenting several alternatives and allowing employees to choose from them is as effective as if they thought of the alternatives themselves. The key is to build employee confidence so their ideas and decisions can become more creative and sound. Concerns Participative management is not a magic cure for all that ails an organization. Managers should carefully weigh the pros and the cons before implementing this style of management to their own. Managers must realize that changes will not take effect overnight and will require consistency and patience before employees will begin to see that the management is serious about employee involvement. Participative management is probably the most difficult style of management to practice. It is challenging not only for managers but for employees as well. Participative management programs can be threatened by office politics. Due to hidden agendas and peer pressure, employees may keep their opinions to themselves and refuse to tell a manager if they feel an idea will not work. A Manager also plays a part in politics when they implement participative management programs to impress their own bosses but have no intention of seeing them through. â€Å"The old structures are being reformed. As organizations seek to become more flexible in the face of rapid environmental change and more responsive to the needs of customers, they are experimenting with new, team-based structures† (Jackson & Ruderman, 1996). Why Team Building is necessary Teamwork is essential for competing in today’s global arena, where individual perfection is not as desirable as a high level of collective performances. In knowledge based enterprises, teams are the norm. A critical feature of this team is that they have a significant degree of empowerment or decision-making authority. There are many different kinds of teams: top management teams, focused task forces, self-directed teams, concurrent engineering teams, product/service development and/or launch teams, quality improvement teams, and so on. Team vs. Group Not all groups in organizations are teams, but all teams are groups. The difference between a team and a group is that a team is interdependent for overall performance. A group qualifies as a team, only if its members focus on helping one another to accomplish organizational objectives and goals. In today’s quickly changing business environments, teams have emerged as a requirement for the success of business. Therefore, managers and leads should constantly try to help groups become teams and facilitate the evolution of groups into teams. Vince Lombardi (1913-1970), football coach for the NFL, once said:  Ã¢â‚¬ People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses or the problems of modern society†. Importance of Teamwork The importance of teamwork is presented in every seminar you attend or business book you read. Without teamwork, houses take longer to build. Governments collapse. Without teamwork, people lose their inspiration and motivation. Importance of the world is known with team work and it has played a part in company turnarounds. Our teamwork training programs dispel the negative myths of teamwork while developing and encouraging the importance of teamwork that can be enjoyed by all parties involved in it. There are three main steps involved with instilling the importance of teamwork within a company environment: 1) Begin with the end in mind – Make a specific list of how your employees, customers and business as a whole will benefit, when they see the true importance of teamwork and team playing. Only then you can outline your objectives and goals which you have to achieve. 2) Make a plan – Do you have the resources to develop teamwork internally? Or, do you need to bring in some experts to assemble and conduct a customized training program for your business team? This is a critical decision on your part and a corporate training company would love the opportunity to discuss how a team would work after learning their outstanding training methods. 3) Quantify and monitor results – The results from teamwork can be measured but only if you have a defined process in place. This measuring process will be the fuel you will need to convince the management and the staff that ongoing efforts would be made to increase teamwork efficiency cordially. Once management and staff alike experience the importance of teamwork, they will be fueled to achieve even more and to touch the heights.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Adaptive Or Active Suspension System Engineering Essay

Adaptive Or Active Suspension System Engineering Essay What is the use of a suspension system. Its main task is to provide a safe and stable ride for the vehicle. The components are usually passive force elements as they provide a nice trade-off between wear, stability and comfort. Suspension system dampens the shocks and does not allow the jerks to be transmitted to the human body. By selecting the right spring and damper properties, the suspension functions as a barrier to the jerks and only passes those frequencies which come in comfortable range for humans. But at the same time the wheel load variation must be minimum as we need contact of tire with road at all times. A system of links connects the un-sprung mass (wheel, brake, steering hub) to the sprung mass (car body). However there is a trade off at the cornering, as the spring should be stiff enough to avoid over roll of the body. Sometimes an anti-roll bar is used to overcome the exaggerated roll due to damping in corners. However the stiffness of the roll bar is not independe nt as we cannot transmit vibrations of one wheel to the other. The traditional suspension will tilt the tire while cornering. This is because the linkage rotates and the tire connected to it also rotates. This causes the area of contact of the tire to reduce while cornering or turning. This results in the loss of grip and massive body roll of the vehicle. In case of cornering the requirement usually is to get a so-called counter camber. The negative camber angle will cause a favorable deformation of the contact patch, which in combination with the unfavorable deformation due to the cornering forces will lead to a desirable contact patch between the tire and the road. Examples of today’s suspension systems which provide a negative camber are the double wish-bone and the McPherson suspension system. Non-zero static camber can also improve the cornering and bump control of the vehicle. Active Suspension system An active suspension system can prevent suspension travel under a var ying load, theoretically without consuming energy. That is why it is very suitable for leveling car during accelerating, braking and cornering, or for taking care of static load variations. And as these systems are computer-aided, there mathematical models can be fed to a controller to level the car or to improve the comfort level. Design and Working While cornering the average force per suspension strut varies from the static value and its length remains equal as to eliminate body roll. By using the principle of a lever, the varying load can be counter-balanced by a constant force by varying distance from the fulcrum. This system perfectly eliminates body roll and the system would not rotate. Because all relevant forces are perpendicular to the direction of adjustment of the fulcrum and constant force, the adjustment will not cost any energy. A possible application of this principle is shown below: The pre-tensioned secondary spring (inner one) is maximally assisting the primary sp ring (outer one). Initially, the adjustable arms are positioned at an angle of 90Â ° with respect to the position in figure above in order to not produce any torque around the fulcrum. Fulcrum here is the hollow hole on the right side which will get attached to the chassis of the vehicle. This type of system is called a trailing arm suspension system.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26

Personal Statement - Essay Example My experience while in University was also acutely critical in the development of my career. After the training, I decided to look for a job and landed myself in a classroom, where I taught students. This enabled me to use my talent and pass information to others in the society in order to improve their understanding and conceptualization of ideas and theories projected by theorists. For six months, I worked as a volunteer at a secondary school during the evening. During the day, I was also pursuing my teaching skills in a secondary school where I got to share and obtain knowledge and ideas on what others think and know about Kurdish people. However, in 2009, I left my work and moved to the UK. Living in the UK, as a Kurdish, has enabled me to attain ESOL entry two and three plus speaking and listening of level one, not forgetting math for level one and two. All this is essential for my communication skills and has been of help towards attaining literacy and reading for level one and GCSE math. While here, I learnt how to support myself with a part time volunteer job as a receptionist. This has led me to choose my postgraduate course. MA in Kurdish studies is the postgraduate course I am intending to pursue since it gives me a wider understanding and knowledge on Kurdish regions found in the Middle East. This course gives me an in-depth understanding of the societies, literature, international relations and politics linked to Kurdish group. This dissertation is my choice of study because it interests me and enlightens me on the political, economic and social developments and origins. I will also get a chance to familiarize myself with the regions contemporary settings and institutional structures thus, will boost their activities and history for others to appreciate and acknowledge. The purpose of studying this course is to gain further insights on my region’s culture and tradition. It intrigues me to learn about the history of my clans men

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Epidemiology Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Epidemiology - Research Proposal Example The beginning issue of a case-control study is topics with the infection or status under study (cases). The cases' annals of exposure or other characteristics, or both, former to onset of the infection, is noted through interview and occasionally via notes and other sources. A evaluation assembly comprising of persons without the infection under study (controls) are assembled, and their past annals is noted in the identical way as for the cases. The reason of the command assembly is to supply an approximate of the frequency and allowance of exposure in topics in the community without the infection being studied. Whereas the cohort study is worried with frequency of infection in revealed and non-exposed persons, the case-control study is worried with the frequency and allowance of exposure in topics with a exact infection (cases) and persons without the infection (controls). In case-control investigations, facts and numbers are not accessible to assess the incidence rate of the infection being investigated, and the genuine relation risk will not be determined. The assess of association between exposure and incident of infection in case-control investigations is the so-called odds ratio: the ratio of odds of exposure in unhealthy topics to the odds of exposure in the non-diseased. ... Advantages: 1. Allow entire data on the subject's exposure, encompassing value command of facts and numbers, and know-how thereafter. 2. Provide a clear temporal sequence of exposure and disease. 3. Give an opening to study multiple conclusions associated to a exact exposure. 4. Permit assessment of incidence rates (absolute risk) as well as relation risk. 5. Methodology and outcomes are effortlessly appreciated by non-epidemiologists. 6. Enable the study of somewhat uncommon exposures. Disadvantages 1. Not matched for the study of uncommon infections because a large number of topics is required. 2. Not matched when the time between exposure and infection manifestation is very long, whereas this can be overwhelm in chronicled cohort studies. 3. Exposure patterns, for demonstration the composition of oral contraceptives, may change throughout the course of the study and make the outcomes irrelevant. 4. Maintaining high rates of follow-up can be difficult. 5. Expensive to convey out because a large number of topics is generally required. 6. Baseline facts and numbers may be sparse because the large number of topics does not permit for long interviews. Case-control studies Advantages 1. Permit the study of uncommon diseases. 2. Permit the study of infections with long latency between exposure and manifestation. 3. Can be commenced and undertook over somewhat short time periods. 4. Relatively cheap as contrasted to cohort studies. 5. Can study multiple promise determinants of disease. Disadvantages 1. Information on exposure and past annals is mainly founded on interview and may be subject to recall bias. 2. Validation of data on exposure is tough, or incomplete, or even

Monday, August 26, 2019

Horseshoe Crab Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Horseshoe Crab - Research Paper Example One of these species, Limulus polyphemus, is found in North America along the coastline of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. The remainder are found in Southeast Asia. Despite having the name horseshoe crab, they are not true crustaceans. They are closely related to arachnids (a category that includes scorpions and spiders). Evolutionists coin the species â€Å"living fossils† since their fossils have been found in period that date back to 450 million years. Scientists will hold a different view for the organism arguing that it offers important insights to evolution and species interdependence. Despite the differing opinions about this magnificent creature, a common denominator is that they are important for both coastal communities and human health. In the whole planet, only four species this crab are in existence.The paper will discuss in detail about the horseshoe crab by offering insight from its anatomical features to the ecological habitat. Despite the earliest forms of horseshoe crab inhabiting the planet for millions of years, the anatomical features of these creatures have not changed. Unfortunately, the long, thin spike-like tail makes many people view them as dangerous, yet they are docile or rather harmless. The anatomy of horseshoe crab is one of the notable aspects in the creature. In the topographical description of horseshoe crab, the body is divided into three sections namely prosoma, opisthosoma and the telson. These body sections are sometimes called cephalothorax, abdomen and the tail. Prosoma contains and intestinal tract, an oesophagus and proventriculus that helps in grinding food (Dunlap 54). Also, in the prosoma are a nervous system that is concentrated with a bulbous brain, tubular heart, excretory glands at the base of walking legs and a connective tissue (Fortey 81). Opithosoma contains an intricate network of the musculature that helps in the operation of book gills and the telson. However, the 1 13

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cold War and American Contribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cold War and American Contribution - Essay Example The war had come just as the US was facing one of the greatest economic challenges ever. It had come from a great recession. The conflict that resulted spurred some economic growth. In retrospect, it led to new opportunities. The economy of the US bounced back. In addition, the country received immigrants from other nations. This was the period that saw the passing of the employment of the employment act. This was under the leadership of Truman. However, an economic uncertainty was to follow after the boom. This was expected since the economy during the cold war had not been based on the fundamentals aspects but sentimental factors. This was one of the effects of the Second World War. It divided East Germany and Berlin from the West of Berlin. Basically, the East part of German fronted different ideologies from the West in terms of political governance. The West divide was accused of harboring Nazi-like ideologies. The East fronted what was perceived to communism. The west fronted li beralism. This conflict led the east to construct the wall around Berlin. They even had watchtowers around it. The wall was later to be brought down after the collapse of communism. The war in Korea had a direct relevance to the cold war. It pitted communism against democracy. Communist thoughts were propagated by USSR together with China. Democracy was an idea of the US. South Korea adopted democracy. However, the north was a communist state which was an ally of the USSR and China. The political rift between the two neighboring states almost led to war. The tensions have been imminent even in recent times. The nuclear and arms threat at the time of the cold war led to exclusion of the North from world trades. The South prospered so much due to its open policy and promotion of liberalism. It has been argued that the period of the cold war affected North Korea the most. The country is yet to recover from the effects of the war. Question 2 Three essay questions What were the consequences of the cold war on the economic prospects of the world? What led to the end of the world cold war? Did the cold war influence the current political alignment in the world? The consequences of the Cold War on the economics prospects of the world The period of the cold war was characterized by imminent economic implications. The trade sanctions that were part of the war had dire consequences on selected economies. At the time, there are

Tech Guide 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tech Guide 2 - Assignment Example software verifies eligibility of patients for every medical procedure, besides helping in automatic posting of remittance of workers (Tang and Stratton 566). In addition, AccuMed has the ability to provide custom reports as well as reminding medical officers and nurses of the appointments and scheduling. Further, the software can support HIEs connections with RHIOs through the help of HL7. Praxis EMR is a unique software for medical records that applies minimal reliance on templates. It gives healthcare practitioners easy time to manage appointments. It has billing system integration within it and gives room for charting directly between patients and medical officers and nurses. Further, Praxis EMR enables medical specialists to carry out an electronic prescription of drugs to patients. The health facility is unique because it can recognize handwriting and voices of both patients and medical officers. It also has HIPAA Compliant, lab integration, patient portal, and ONC-ATCB Certified. The management of the healthcare clinic facility has chosen Praxis EMR software. The reason for Praxis the choice is that it has several applications compared to AccuMed. It enables chatting, lab integration and handwriting and voice recognition that are lacking in AccuMed

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personal Protective Equipment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal Protective Equipment - Case Study Example Employers are required by the law, The Occupational Safety and Health Law, to give Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to staffs, and ensure effective usage. PPE is worn to reduce or eliminate hazards at the workplace. The PPE category discussed in this paper is the face and eye protection. The new supplier of the PPE is either incompetent or was given wrong information regarding the features of eye safety equipment that the company needs (Davies, 2012). The company is likely to experience poor employee productivity and increased legal suits if adequate eye protection is not provided. The eye problem is caused by the inappropriate shade #3 lenses given to employees when cutting the 1.250" thick carbon steel. The most appropriate eye protection is shade #5, which is the most appropriate for cutting steel between 1 and 6 inches. The intense light emitted from welding operations results in serious eye damage if the employees do not have appropriate eye protection. The high intensity of radiant energy emitted from welding and cutting activities varies in terms of arc current and electrode size, and hence requires adequate eye protection equipment (Davies, 2012). In addition to the lenses, the employees should also appropriately wear related safety equipment that minimizes eye hazards; for instance, glasses that have side shields, to prevent slag chips and grinding fragment from contacting the face or eyes of the employees.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Stepping out Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stepping out - Essay Example n expressing their desires.  It should not be surprising then that quite a majority of females have once had these desires without the public knowledge, which makes them either lesbians or bisexuals. Recent studies have also indicated that the contemporary society is getting more comfortable with the concept of lesbianism and homosexuality, (Schroeder 5-6) as opposed to several years ago. Lesbians have a right to pursue their feeling just as anybody else, and their sexual orientation is purely informed by the fact that females are emotional beings. Many lesbians have developed their sexual orientations because of both physical and mental reasons (Walker et al 391). Traditionally, women have felt a need to have much more satisfying relationships that are based on trust, love and understanding. However, this  has not been gotten in heterosexual relationships as many women consider them unsatisfactory; females understand each other’s needs more than men do. Because of this disconnect, females tend to turn to fellow females for emotional and sexual gratification. Given that sexual orientation is discovered rather than decided at birth, it must be understood if a female’s sexual orientation is towards fellow females than towards males as is the norm, accepting one’s sexuality is more helpful than denial as it may lead to multiple psychological problems. For instance, the stigmatization of lesbianism may cause psychological trauma to lesbians, which has far reached repercussions in their later lives (Hilton and Szymanski 292-293). In this regard, lesbians must be given the love and support of family, friends and society without discrimination; moreover, it should also be acknowledged that lesbianism does not destabilize the norm of heterosexual relationships in any way as opposed to the fears of those who reject it. Lesbianism in any case should be looked at as an alternative form of relationship to females, rather than being ostracized in society. Lesbians have

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Appalachian Culture and Health Awareness Essay Example for Free

Appalachian Culture and Health Awareness Essay According to Kruger et al. (2012), the Appalachian region, consisting of 13 states along the east coast border, is a high risk area for cardiac, pulmonary, and cancer conditions related to smoking and coal mining. This rural population has ultimately higher rates of heart disease, stroke, COPD, asthma, lung cancer, and diabetes. Substantially higher rates of smoking, as well as the relevance of coal mining, are two major contributors to the increased risk of morbidity and mortality amongst this large population (Kruger et al. , 2012). Insufficient education, poor behavior choices, and lack of adequate health care are major contributors to the overall unhealthy lifestyles of these individuals. Unfortunately, this begins at a young age. According to Short, Oza-Frank, and Conrey (2012), there are major differences regarding preconception health awareness amongst Appalachian women as compared to non-Appalachian women. Appalachian women have higher rates of smoking, diabetes, and obesity than do non-Appalachian women. These women have poorer rates of prenatal care and higher rates of birthing and congenital complications, such as pulmonary hypertension, insufficient lung development, and cardiac abnormalities. Often due to lack of insurance, these mothers often lack appropriate health care and health awareness, thus increasing their child’s risk of further cardiac and pulmonary conditions down the road. Unfortunately, these babies grow up in an environment that, as a population, has inadequate health care, low income, and poor health. This detrimental sequence of events is what has maintained the subpar health status of the Appalachian population (Short et al., 2012). As these children grow into their teens, poor behavioral choices further substantiate detrimental risk factors. A study by Pettigrew, Miller-Day, Krieger, and Hecht (2012), conducted research study of primary and secondary health prevention in Appalachian adolescents. According to this study, this population has higher rates of smoking, drinking, and drug use as compared to non-Appalachian adolescents. These risky behaviors are so prevalent because of lifestyles these children have grown to know; these behaviors are considered normal in many homes. As do their parents, many of these children lack insurance and health care (Pettigrew et al., 2012). Obesity and diabetes is also substantially high in the Appalachian population as compared to the rest of the nation as shown in a study by Wenrich, Brown, Wilson, and Lengerich (2012). The authors pinpoint Appalachia as a low-income group of individuals who receive poor nutrition, thus further contributing to the preexisting risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Poor health, along with behavioral risk factors, have ultimately led to detrimental health status. Yes, we love the STEELers, but steel mills and coal mining has only contributed to these health risks. The Appalachian culture is at risk for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, these risk factors will not decline quickly. Primary prevention and health awareness programs would make a huge impact on this population. Low income is a struggle that will not be overcome easily. However, primary prevention and health awareness are often available at low cost and are highly efficient measures of decreasing risk factors by focusing on healthy lifestyles. Smoking cessation would obviously be of major importance, but compliance would be of great struggle (Kruger et al., 2012). References Kruger, T., Howell, B., Haney, A., Davis, R., Fields, N., Schoenberg, N. (2012). Perceptions of smoking cessation programs in rural Appalachia. American Journal of Health Behavior, 36(3), 373-84. Pettigrew, J., Miller-Day, M., Krieger, J., Hecht, M. (2012). The rural content of illicit substance offers: a study of Appalachian rural adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 27(4), 523-50. Short, V., Oza-Frank, R., Conrey, E. (2012). Preconception Health Indicators: A comparison between non-Appalachian and Appalachian women. Maternal Child Health Journal, 16(1), 238-49. Wenrich, T., Brown, J., Wilson, R., Lengerich, E. (2012). Impact of a community-based intervention on serving and intake of vegetables among low-income, rural Appalachian families. Journal of Nutrition Education Behavior, 44(1), 36-45.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Provision and planning for the outdoor environment

Provision and planning for the outdoor environment Discuss with reference to curriculum documentation and relevant research literature the importance of effective provision and planning for outdoor play and exploration in UK early years settings. In this assignment I am going to look at why it is relevant for effective provision and planning for the outdoor environment in the early years in the UK. Outdoor play is a vital element of young childrens physical, social and emotional development. Play is a young childs activity for learning. Therefore making the most of outdoor play is essential, providing plenty of experiences in a varied manner for children, early years settings are in a unique position to offer these, fully integrated with the indoors. The four aspects of Birth to Three Matters Framework include examples of experiences that very young children should have both indoors and outdoors. Similarly, the curriculum guidance for the foundation stage includes many ideas for taking learning outside. All six areas of learning can be effectively promoted, from the earliest stepping stones through to the early learning goals at the end of foundation stage. The statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation stage: setting and standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. (DCSF 2008) states the following in relation to the outdoor environment; Wherever possible, there should be access to an outdoor play area and this is the expected norm for providers. The indoor and outdoor environments (should be linked) so that children can move freely between them. A rich and varied environment supports childrens learning and development. It gives them the confidence to explore and learn in secure and safe yet challenging, indoor and outdoor spaces. Children must have opportunities play indoors and outdoors. All early year providers must have access to an outdoor play area which can benefit the children. If the setting does not have direct access to an outdoor play area they must make arrangements for daily opportunities for outdoor play in an appropriate nearby location. Being outdoors has a positive impact on childrens sense of well-being and helps all aspects of childrens development. (See EYFS Statutory Framework (p.35 and 37); EYFS Practice Guidance (p.7) and Principles into Practice card 3.3: Enabling Environments- the Learning Environment). The EYFS statutory framework for the EYFS is put in place so that every child in a setting environment has the best possible experience of the outdoors, as so much learning and development goes on within the outdoors and to cover the six early learning goals. The outdoors offers a unique environment, which is very different from the indoors. It offers space and freedom to try things out, to explore and experiment without the constraints associated with an indoor environment (Tovey 2007). Some opportunities for learning can only happen outside. The experience of a change in the weather, finding insects, making a large scale construction/painting all of these motivate children into mental and physical engagement, and can only be done outside. In fact all learning goals can be achieved outside while the childrens health and well-being are also being boosted. Outside children can run fast, shout and squeal and find out what their bodies and voices can really do (Ouvry, 2008). The space is more open, less confided and the greater space; the more unrestricted the movement possibilities. Indoors is a space where adults are in control, but outdoors as fewer restrictions, where children can escape the controlling eyes of adults (Stephenson 2002). The four main thinkers of early childhood towards the curriculum, advocating outdoor provision as essential for childrens learning and development are; Friedrich Froebel , Margaret McMillan ,Susan Issacs and Maria Montessori. These four all held the view that the young child is first and foremost a whole person, with thoughts, feelings and imagination that need to be cared for and cherished (Curtis 1986. P.5).They all believed in a child centred approach and free-flow play. Young children are motivated and wish to learn, they dont have to be sat at a table quietly (Curtis 1986). Friedrich Froebel argued that play was a serious and significant activity for the young child. David Cohen (1987) suggests that Froebel was the first educator to use childrens play for practical purposes. In order to help children learn through play Froebel devised series of playthings and games (Bruce 1991). As Curtis (1986 p.6) points out, he used the timeless playthings of childhood in his curriculum. Balls, boards, sand, clay, for example, have made up childrens play throughout the ages. The role of the adult is crucial in Froebels approach to play. Cohen however doesnt agree that children should learn particular things, as that would be to advocate play as preparation for life. Froebel valued play because it helped children to make meaning, and as Janet Moyles (1989 p.168) points out the importance of adults and children being equal partners in play, as in conversation (Bruce 1991). Janet Moyles (1989, p.24) points out that Froebel pioneered the theory of firsthand experience as the basis of play, but this was entirely different to that, Seguin (1812-1880), who developed learning though the senses for disabled children. This curriculum was aimed towards a particular direction. However, Froebels approach to play was targeted at all childrens needs, rather than Seguin, who concentrated on disadvantaged children (Bruce 1991). As Yvonne Conolly (1983) points out (OMEP), A good Curriculum is a good curriculum for all (in Bruce, 1987, Ch.9). Margaret McMillan, pioneer of nursery education campaigned for an education centred on the garden. She was the first person to model a nursery with children flowing freely between the inside and outside environment she quoted; The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed by the sky. She put so much emphasis on the outdoor environment that it has been recognised by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in its good practice guidelines for the early learning goals, which repeatedly stress those young children, should have access to a well-planned outdoors (Ouvry 2008). McMillan expanded on the ideas of Froebel, to see children playing as the integrated activity. It was through the garden that we see her begin to develop the free-flow play side of the curriculum. It is interesting to see that for Froebel, McMillan and Issacs, it was the childs free play in the outdoors that led to their greatest contributions to the early childhood educational curriculum (Bruce 1991). Issacs valued free-flow play because it gave children freedom in their actions, thoughts and emotional expression. Issacs further stressed that play also meets the emotional needs of a child, as they express all emotional during play (Bruce 1991). Montessori, who was also a pioneer for education, she thought it was an insult to children to suggest they should play. Montessori provided children with specific sense training apparatus which she expected them to use in an exact manner within the classroom, whereas McMillan believed children gained better sensory experience by playing in the garden (Bruce, 1991). Surely if practitioners are planning and setting up the activities that a child plays outdoors it is not really the childs freedom of choice, in a way it is still like the Montessori approach. Both Sylva and Bruner argued, in the 1980s, that structure is a characteristic of materials and activities themselves. Structured activities such as construction are the most challenging and unstructured materials, such as sand and water, and open ended resources, outdoors lack any clear goal structure and, therefore, do not challenge childrens minds (Bruner 1980; Sylva et al 1980). Ouvry (2008) suggests making the most out of the outdoor area is also important, so that the children in that setting have the best opportunities possible and the changing of resources provided should be different daily. Also, it is important that the children have the opportunity to explore different resources and not stick with their favourite all the time i.e. bicycles. So Bruner and Sylvas research isnt very clear as all settings have a number of different opportunities for children to do in the outdoors environment, structured and unstructured. Children learn from them all in different ways and they are all targeting the six areas of learning. Piaget saw movement and physical development as the provision for higher levels of thinking. However Smith (p.68) argues this point and believes it is stillness we have to justify, not movement. Early Years children cant be sat down all day they need freedom to express themselves and explore their environment in order to learn new things, sitting down is going to make them more likely to disengage with what is going on. If movement is such an important aspect of a childs development, access to outdoor space must be part of a daily routine in order to nurture this mind-body growth. Children want space at all ages. But from the age of one to seven, space, that is ample space, almost as much wanted as food and air. To move, to run, to find things out by new movement, to feel ones life in every limb, that is the life of early childhood. So said Margaret McMillan (1930) Childrens entitlement to high quality outdoor play experiences is strongly supported throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and early years providers have a statutory duty to facilitate daily outdoor opportunities all year round for the children in their care. (See EYFS Statutory Framework (p.35 and 37); EYFS Practice Guidance (p.7) and Principles into Practice card 3.3: Enabling Environments- the Learning Environment). When children are denied adequate space they often feel desperately frustrated and this can lead to uncooperative behaviour. Research has shown that in environments that enable children to move about, to collaborate with others and take frequent breaks during calm activities, the behaviour of children who have a tendency to lose their temper or get over excited is less disturbing (Berk, l. E and Winsler, A 1995). This therefore shows that the tendency for children to shout and squeal and run around and be very hyperactive is taken outside there that type of behaviour is accessible (Ouvry 2008). Ouvry (2008) states that boys brains mature in a different sequence to those of girls and in some areas, at a slower rate. Boys first develop the parts of the brain for knowing about movement and space in which they have to move themselves and other things. Other areas of the curriculum then arise meaningfully out of play. Girls, stereotypically like playing imaginatively in the home corner and working with and alongside adults. Girls come to an understanding of adult world through domestic play and talk; they use reading and writing in their play because their brains are more developed for language at the three to five year old stage. The whole emphasis on activities that focus on children who are good at talking, fitting in, quick at learning and understanding other peoples intentions. Boys can tend to feel uncomfortable because they tend to feel more secure in the outdoor environment, where they can be themselves and still learn from their experiences just in a different manner. By the setting giving less attention to the outdoors environment and quality of outdoor play, they may be denying access to education to a significant number of boys (Bilton, H. 1998). The outdoor space must be viewed as an essential teaching and learning environment which is linked with the learning that goes on inside, but with even greater status because it allows for children to learn through movement. If we believe that young children learn through play and that play is thought in action- then offering children a playing space outdoors would seem the most effective means to fulfil their need to play, learning through first hand experiences and cooperate with others, that also cover the six main learning goals (Ouvry. 2008). Despite the much higher profile given to outdoor play in recent years with the introduction of the Curriculum Guidance for the foundation stage (QCA 2000), there is still evidence that the purpose and value of outdoor play is not well understood'(Tovey. 2007). Many practitioners have an unconscious belief that effective learning only happens when children are still, quiet and calm, with a pencil and paper at hand and with a teacher nearby to offer instruction. The idea that when children are physically active, many people believe they cant be learning anything to do with the curriculum (Ouvry 2008). But then what about forest schools, they are based outside all of the time and are still based on the curriculum and the learning intentions are still met and this is all due to planning for the six areas of learning. It is certainly true that if the outdoors is not well planned and the setting does not have clear aims for the childrens learning outside, then practitioners may find it difficult to see any worthwhile learning going on outside. This is however true when considering any environment for young children inside or outside. Without clarity of aims and learning intentions for children in play situations, it is impossible to know what to look for when observing the children or to know how to further the childrens learning. Structuring the environment and supporting childrens learning is as important outside as in (Ouvry 2008). The key person working with a four-year-old child may have observed on several occasions that the child is rather unsteady when moving around the outside area. The practitioner then plans to build an obstacle course to give the child lots of opportunities to use a wide range of physical movements. These then support the planning for enhanced provision. In many cases, this planned adjustment and enrichment of some aspect of the settings provision will also be relevant to other children in a group. Many of the other children in the group will enjoy helping to build and develop the obstacle course and will join the focus child in actively using and enjoying the challenges it offers. The right of the child to rest and leisure and engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and arts. (UNICEF 1989). There are constraints and fears that limit childrens opportunities for play particularly outdoors, deprive children of essential childhood experiences and opportunities- opportunities to develop friendships and to make relationships, to experience all emotions, to take risks, have adventures and misadventures, to have contact with nature and the environment (Casey, T. 2007). Children need to climb, run, jump, an bash balls against walls (Lewis Howdle, lecture, RIHE,1980).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Working and Non Working Mother Health Comparison

Working and Non Working Mother Health Comparison Chen and Lin (1992). Daily life demands, social support, life satisfaction and health of working women and housewives. To see the stress related to daily work overload, the Daily Life Demand scale, Social Support Scale along with the Life Satisfaction Scale and the Symptomatic scales are used to make comparisons between working women and housewives. A survey was conducted on 444 Taipei women revealing that daily life demands are experienced more by working women than housewives but also they have more support in dealing with these demands. The results showed high stress levels to be reported by all women being little more in working women than in housewives. Higher life satisfaction was reported by housewives and a higher degree of depression was experienced by working women. Mukhopadhyay et al (1993). Working status and anxiety levels of urban educated women in Calcutta. A study group from Calcutta resident working mothers was compared with a socioeconomically similar group of non-working mothers with respect to their anxiety level, measured by the Anxiety Scale Questionnaire. The relationships between anxiety score and age of these women were studied. Non working mothers showed higher anxiety levels than their working counterparts with respect to the total anxiety score as well as components, although the differences were statistically non-significant. Doby Caplan (1995). Organizational Stress as Threat to Reputation: Effects on Anxiety at Work and at Home. The results of this study showed that high threat stressors were most likely to generate the anxiety experienced at home and for this the anxiety experienced at work was the key mediator. Rout et al (1997). Working and non-working mothers: a comparative study. This study examines whether positive or neutral effects on women’s health are found in employed mothers by comparing working and non-working mothers. The results showed that working mothers reported less depression and had better mental health than non-working mothers. Major stressor for working mothers was a lack of social life whereas not having enough time to do everything was reported as a source of stress for working mothers. This study emphasizes on the benefits than costs of multiple role involvement. Welch Booth (1997). Employment and health among married women. Sample of 500 urban married women was used to evaluate the possible effect of outside-the-home employment on the mental as well as on physical health of married women. It was found that wives who had been employed for more than a year were healthier than wives not employed outside the home and wives who had worked less than one year. Whereas, housewives who had never worked outside the home were healthier, on the whole, than wives who had been employed at some time in the past. Poor marital relationships and having no preschool age children seemed to increase the health advantage of long term employed wives over those in the housewife categories. Whereas the occupational status of wife and husband did not seem to change these health differences very much. Macewan Barling(1998). Inter role conflict, family support and marital adjustment of employed mothers: A short term, longitudinal study. This was done basically to address the two issues, the effect of inter role conflict on marital adjustment and the moderating role of social support and hardiness being considered within the same analysis. To the inter role conflict, family support, personality hardiness and marital adjustment of 51 employed mothers were assessed twice, three months apart. Using hierarchical regression analyses, inter role conflict and family support exerted main effects on marital adjustment at time 1. More importantly, a significant inters role conflict/family support interaction predicted change in marital adjustment over three months. High family support exerted a negative impact on marital adjustment when inter role conflict was high. Greenhaus Beutell (2000) Sources of Conflict between Work and Family Roles. This study examined the literature on the conflict between work and family roles and found out that work-family conflict exists when: (a) time devoted to the requirements of one role makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of another; (b) strain from participation in one role makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of another; and (c) specific behaviors required by one role make it difficult to fulfill the requirements of another. Birch Kamli (2000) Psychological stress, anxiety, depression, job satisfaction, and personality characteristics in preregistration house officers. This study got lifestyle questionnaires filled by the officers and measured the self rated psychological stress, state anxiety, job satisfaction, and personality characteristics. It was seen that more of women suffered psychological stress, possible anxiety and possible depression. Nelson Quick (2000). Professional Women: Are Distress and Disease Inevitable? This study states that discrimination, stereotyping, the marriage/work interface, and social isolation are a source of stress for professional women. The study also identified a mentor, locus of control, self-confidence, and self-awareness as moderators for a stress-strain relationship. Paterniti et al (2002) Psychosocial factors at work, personality traits and depressive symptoms, Longitudinal results from the Gazel Study. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between psychosocial factors at work and changes in depressive symptoms, taking into account personality traits. The results showed that irrespective of the personality traits high scores were seen in both the genders when the job demands were high with low social support at work. Krantz et al (2003).Total workload, work stress and perceived symptoms in Swedish male and female white-collar employees. This research studies how the perceived symptoms of the white collar employees are associated with paid work, unpaid household tasks, child care, work–child care interactions and perceived work stress. Singapore Management Reviews published an article (2003) on work family conflict of managers by survey approach. Work and family are two important aspects of man’s life. The paper examined the nature of the conflict and its effects on manager. An empirical survey was described, aimed at enhancing the understanding the conflict that the individual experienced. This showed that although most of the respondent would trade some learning for family time, job related issue, investing security, flexible working hour and high profile for value ahead of laser activity but at a cost of behavior based, time based and strain based. Twenty percent of respondents strongly agreed that they would trade their income for lesser hour at work to spend time with their families, thirty percent of the respondents were neutral, forty percent of the respondents agreed that their family will accept and adjust to any necessary arrangements required. Iqbal et al (2004). Anxiety in non-working women with reference to their education, family system and number of children. The objective of the study was to observe the presence of anxiety in working and non working women with reference to their education, family system and the number of their children setting. Purposive sampling technique used to select the sample of 50 working women and 50 non working women. Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale was administered on all women to assess on their anxiety level. Anxiety was observed more in non working women than in working women. A statistically significant association was found between anxiety in women and education. It was concluded that all non-working women should be supported morally and socially to spare some time for their entertainment and pleasurable activities outside homes to distract the monotony of routine work. Hashmi et al (2006). Marital Adjustment, Stress and Depression Among Working and Non-Working Married Women. This study explores the relationship between marital adjustment stress and depression. Results also show that working married women have to face more problems in their married life as compared to non-working married women. Also it was seen that highly educated working and non-working married women can perform well in their married life and they are free from depression as compared to educated working and non-working married women. Melchior et al (2007) studied depression and anxiety in young, working women and men due to work stress. The results showed that participants exposed to high psychological job demands (excessive workload, extreme time pressures) had a twofold risk of major depression or generalized anxiety disorder compared to those with low job demands. The study stated that in previously healthy young workers, diagnosable depression and anxiety is precipitated by work stress. Aleem and Danish (2008). Marital satisfaction and Anxiety among single and dual career women at JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi. The sample was selected by using purposive sampling 60 single and dual career women whose age group ranged from 25 to 45 years were studied using purposive method of sampling from Delhi. A Marital Satisfaction Scale was used to see the level of marital satisfaction among the two groups of women whereas; Sinha Comprehensive Anxiety Scale was administered on the sample to examine their level of anxiety. It has been found that pressure and hassles of jobs not only affect marital life but also proved to be a major source of anxiety particularly among women and also marital satisfaction among working women hardly get disturbed due to their multiple role but the thought processes seemed to be disturbed that is manifested in the higher anxiety among women. Netterstom et al (2008) The Relation between Work-related Psychosocial Factors and the Development of Depression. The study found moderate evidence for a relation between development of depression and the psychological demands of the job. Also it was seen that social support at work decreased the risk for future depression. Weiclaw et al (2008) Psychosocial working conditions and the risk of depression and anxiety disorders in the Danish workforce. This study examined the relation between psychosocial working conditions and the risk of anxiety and working conditions. The results showed high risks of depression but decreased risk of anxiety disorders related to high emotional demands and working with people. Dew et al (2009) studied mental health effects of job loss in women. This study reviews literature on involuntary job loss and its effects on mental health among women. The occurrence and duration of lay-off was significantly associated with increased depressive symptoms, but not anxiety-related symptoms. Results showed that among women who were laid off, those who had poor levels of support from their husband and those experiencing more financial difficulties reported higher levels of depression. Kaur et al (2011). Comparative study on working and non working married women: effect of anxiety level on life satisfaction. The objective of the study was to find out whether the anxiety level has any significant impact on the life satisfaction of the working and non-working married women. Research investigated the effect of anxiety level on the â€Å"life satisfaction† among the working and non working married women. â€Å"Satisfaction with Life Scale†, and â€Å"State-Trait Anxiety Test† was administered on an equal sample of women participants (n=45) from both the groups. Two way ANOVA was used for data analysis. The result showed that anxiety and life satisfaction are experienced differently by working and non-working women. The results of the study show that females those who are working and married, are low on anxiety with higher life satisfaction in comparison to the non-working married females. They perceived their life as challenging and secure. They fe el more comfortable with their life situations. On the other hand, the non working married females are less satisfied with their lives and their anxiety level is also higher than the anxiety level of working females. LilhareBorkar (2011). Comparative study on Stress and Anxiety in Working Women Performing Clerical and Shift Hour Duties. The study was designed to compare the stress, and anxiety level among different profession of working women. The study was an exploratory study. The Stress, Anxiety and Status test were administered on 200 samples, 100 for clerical working women and 100 for shift hour duty working women. The data was obtained and was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t tests and compared. The findings of the research indicates that the working women performing Clerical and Shift Hour duties have significant difference on the measure of Stress,Status but do not have significant difference on the measure of anxiety. Virtanen et al (2011). Long working hours and symptoms of anxiety and depression: a 5 year follow up of the Whitehall II study. This study examined how long working hours are associated with the onset of depression and anxiety symptoms in middle aged employees. The results showed two fold risk of developing depressive and anxiety symptoms in employees working for more than 55 hours a week as compared to those working 35-40 hours a week. Also sex-stratified analysis showed that women are more prone to depression and anxiety than men. Revati and Jogsan (2012). Mental Health and Depression among Working and Non-Working Women. Total number sample taken was 80 women. The research tool used for mental health was measured by Dr. D.J. Bhatt and Gita R. Geeda (1992). Whereas the tool for depression inventory was used which was made byBeck (1961).t test was applied to check the significance of mental health and depression in working and non working women to check the correlation method was used. And results revealed that significance difference in mental health and depression with respect to both working and non working women on mental health and depression. Adhikari (2012) conducted a study on Anxiety and Depression: Comparative Study between Working and Non-Working Mothers. A significant number of mothers are working and playing the dual role of an employee and housekeeper to provide financial help to their families. These mothers experience anxiety and depression regarding the time they spend with their children and child care method. The results showed significant differences in degree of depression and anxiety of working mothers but no significant difference in that of non-working mothers. Bhadoria (2013). Level of Anxiety and Depression Among Working Women and Non Working Women of Gwalior. As today’s women have a whole set of responsibilities and problems involving the professional and family life, this study tried to compare the levels of depression and anxiety among working and non working women. The results obtained showed significant levels of difference between working and non working women. Fall et al (2013). Comparative study of major depressive symptoms among pregnant women by employment status. This study compares the prevalence of major depressive symptoms between subgroups of pregnant women: working women, women who had stopped working, housewives and students; and to identify risk factors for major depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Prevalence of major depressive symptoms was the lowest for working women as compared to housewives. Multivariate analyses showed that other factors such as low education, low social support outside of work, having experienced acute stressful events, lack of money for basic needs, experiencing marital strain, having a chronic health problem, country of birth, and smoking were significantly associated with major depressive symptoms Balaji et al (2014). A Comparative Study on Depression among Working and Non-Working Women in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This study was done to assess the burden of depression its risk factors among adult female working and non working population. The results indicated that working women suffer more from depression than non-working women. The risk factors for depression were identified as economic problems workplace problems, relationship problems and no personal life satisfaction.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Business Law Antitirust :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Because the field of Business Law is so great, this paper will examine a single aspect of Business Law, that of antitrust action. Specifically, as it is applied to Microsoft, antitrust litigation is raising eyebrows in both the legal and business worlds. There is a hue and cry that antitrust laws as they exist today have outlived their usefulness when applied to cyber commodities and artificial intelligence. This paper will present those opposing viewpoints and attempt to answer the question: are laws wrought in the industrial age applicable to today’s technology? And if so, is the antitrust challenge to Microsoft the tip of the iceberg in Business Law reformation? Antitrust Law Antitrust law attempts to ensure that market competition is protected from an organization or cartel with a monopoly on a given product. Much of antitrust enforcement tries to create a balance between the benefits of coordination and consolidation, such as efficiencies that reduce price or improve quality, and the detriments of market power that can lead to higher prices or reduced innovation. Corporate trusts grew rapidly in the US from 1880 to 1905, creating the atmosphere for President Theodore Roosevelt to launch his now famous trust busting campaigns. The era of antitrust legislation stems from the Sherman Act of 1890. The antitrust laws were based on the constitutional power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. It declared illegal every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of interstate and foreign trade. The Sherman Act makes monopolization illegal. The two elements of monopolization are: "(1) the possession of monopoly power in the relevant market and (2) the willful acquisition or maintenance of the power as distinguished from growth or development as a consequence of a superior product, business acumen, or historical accident." 1 The Sherman Act was designed to eliminate restraints on trade and competition. It is the main source of antitrust law. While the Sherman Act provided protection against monopolies, Congress determined that it wasn’t quite comprehensive in its’ self. It was supplemented in 1914 by the Clayton Antitrust Act, which prohibited exclusive sales contracts, inter-corporate stockholdings, and unfair price-cutting to freeze out competitors. The Clayton Act of Seal Straugh 1914 makes price discrimination illegal, forbids tying arrangements involving only goods and makes anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions illegal. The Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts were made to promote competition between companies making similar products.

Helena Blavatsky :: Ukraine Biographies Writers Authors Essays

Helena Blavatsky Helena Blavatsky was an intriguing woman from the country of Ukraine. She could be considered a nomad for her time; however, she was not interested in finding food and shelter. Helena wanted to find those who were considered spiritualists like herself. She lived from 1831-1891 and can be considered a very influential woman from her era. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was born August 12, 1831 in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Her father was Colonel Peter von Hahn and her mother was Helena Andreyevna von Hahn. Colonel von Hahn was a military man fighting in Poland when Helena was born. Her mother, often hurt by her husband’s absence and wrote about the turmoil of being a woman in her time. She published 8 novels by the time she faced an untimely death at the age of 27 as a highly regarded novelist. Helena’s mother knew from the time she was born that she was no average child. (3, 4, 5, 6) When Helena was born she was very weak and the people around doubted she would even live. Therefore, before the baby was even 24 hours old a baptism was held. Helena’s aunt, a young child, was asked to stand in as a godmother. During the ceremony, the child became restless and knocked over a candle without anyone noticing. The priest performing the baptism suffered severe burns when his robe caught fire. The people at Helena’s baptism saw this as a sign. She was nicknamed Lyola because her grandparents and servants thought she had powers. (6) As a child, she had great passion for magic and the unknown. She was often found playing by the river in Ekaterinoslav. She said she was playing with the russalkas whom were green haired nymphs thought to haunt the riverbanks. When servants and other children bothered her, she threatened to have the russalkas tickle them to death. (2) While Helena, her mother, sister, and brother traveled a lot due to her father’s military position, Helena was always happiest playing with the servants’ children and not the children of her rank and aristocracy.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Student- Teacher relationships will improve :: essays papers

Student- Teacher relationships will improve From the very first day of school on, student- teacher relationships will be improved in smaller classes. Patricia Handley has been an elementary school teacher for twenty-eight years. She has had the opportunity to teach in both small and large classes. On the first day of teaching her first small class Handley comments, â€Å"I immediately noted their sense of importance; no one seemed lost in the crowd† (2002). In a small class, as the students enter, the teacher can take the time to greet each one. The teacher will learn the names of the children faster. The quicker the student is called by his or her name and the more individual attention they get from the teacher, the more comfortable they are going to feel expressing themselves to the teacher in a learning environment. â€Å" In a class of fifteen students, we can quickly learn about one another and do so in more depth† (Handley, 2002). Each child is an individual. Once a teacher has the chance to get to know the students, they can work to accommodate the strengths and weaknesses in the learning process. Students will have a more worthwhile learning experience Many schools throughout the nation have tried smaller classes. Members of a teaching team in Narcoossee Community School in St. Cloud, Florida have commented that when students come back from summer vacation, they are enthusiastic to see everybody and begin the learning process, more so than before the program started (McGoogan, 2001). Group discussions can be a major part of a school day. In small classes, everybody can have a chance to participate. When students are able to speak to a class in their elementary years, they will gain confidence. If they get used to contributing to class discussions, more than likely, they will hold onto that and use it as they progress through high school and college. When students are in a smaller setting, they will get to know one another better, as well as the teacher. When students are comfortable with the people around them, they will not feel shy or intimidated to raise their hands to answer a question. As students share their ideas and feelings with their peers, they will enhance their learning. They will be able to learn from what others say and they will become more interested on the topic of the discussion if they are involved in some way.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Imagery in the plays Oedipus Rex and Othello Essay

In any literature, themes and images play an important role in the reader’s understanding of what the literature would be discussing. Some images and symbols have universal meanings and these help readers relate the meaning of these images with the theme of a specific literature (Blue 2001). In many known literature, images and symbols are known to be the central theme of the story. The plays Othello and Oedipus Rex evidently make use of recurring images to reveal the central theme of the play. Oedipus Rex reveals blindness as a recurring symbol throughout the play. Usually, the Greeks associate clear vision to wisdom and insight (SparkNotes Editors. ). But in the story of Oedipus Rex, blindness is the main reference to the theme of the play. The image of blindness is famously associated to the scene when Oedipus blinds himself at the end of the play. The reason why he blinded himself is revealed in the lines: â€Å"You, you’ll see no more the pain I suffered, all the pain I caused! Too long you looked on the ones you never should have seen, blind to the ones you longed to see, to know! Blind from this hour on! Blind in the darkness-blind! †(â€Å"Shows†). It is through these lines of Oedipus that readers see that the reason he blinded himself is because his eyes served primarily as the one that deceived him from all the truth about his past. This blindness could also mean his blindness from the truth for so long (â€Å"Novel Guide†). Though blindness is often associated with the character of Oedipus, there is also another character to whom the image of blindness is depicted. This is seen through the character of Tiresias, a blind prophet. Though Tiresias is literally blind, he could see farther than others can (SparkNotes Editors). He is said to see beyond what others can see because even though he is blind he sees the truth about Oedipus. But Oedipus does not believe Tiresias and Tiresias reveals to Oedipus what he knows about his past: â€Å"So, you mock my blindness? Let me tell you this. You with your precious eyes, you’re blind to the corruption of your life, to the house you live in, those you live with-who are your parents? Do you know? All unknowing you are the scourge of your own flesh and blood, the dead below the earth and the living here above, and the double lash of your mother and your father’s curse will whip you from this land one day, their footfall treading you down in terror, darkness shrouding your eyes that now can see the light! †(â€Å"Novel Guide†). These lines of Tiresias show that even though he is physically blind, he sees the truth, unlike Oedipus though he sees â€Å"light† he is blinded by the darkness that surrounds the truth about his identity. The image of darkness and blindness as opposed to sight and light could be seen through Oedipus and Tiresias. Literally, the prophet Tiresias is blind and has been seeing the dark for so long, but though he is blind he â€Å"sees† the truth about the true identity of Oedipus (â€Å"GradeSaver†). As for Oedipus, he only truly â€Å"sees† or gains sight after knowing the truth about his past (â€Å"GradeSaver†). This enlightenment leaves Oedipus to blind himself because he could not face his family after knowing all about his past (â€Å"Study Guides and Teacher Resources†). Therefore the person that before sees the light now sees darkness because he was blinded by the truth. The recurring images of darkness and blindness are used in the play not only for the development of the readers’ understanding of the play, but also as a means of foreshadowing the tragedy that is about to come to Oedipus’s life because of his â€Å"blindness† to the truth which ironically in the end, results to his physical blindness. Truly, these images served a high purpose in letting the readers figure out the fundamental idea that is depicted throughout the play. The play Oedipus Rex makes use of the recurring images of blindness and darkness and light and sight and reveals that the theme of the whole story revolves around these images. The main theme is focused on one image that is used in this play, and that is blindness. This blindness does not necessarily mean physical blindness, rather it means being blind and ignoring the truth (SparkNotes Editors). This is seen through the blindness of Oedipus of the truth that he was the one who killed his own father, married his own mother and had a child that eventually became his siblings. He blinds himself from all these truths and pretends that he does not recognize what that has already been presented to him by the prophet Tiresias (SparkNotes Editors). This willingness of Oedipus to accept the awful truth about his past is the play’s overall theme. The recurring images of blindness shown by the characters and the exchange of lines among the characters served as a connection for readers to figure out the theme of the play. Aside from Oedipus Rex, Othello is another play that makes use of recurring images to let the readers immediately know its overall theme. Othello makes use of animals and monsters as images and metaphors to convey further understanding of the play. Animals are usually used by the characters in the play to compare their feelings and their views about a person or a situation. Monsters or beastly images are usually used in Iago’s speeches. In one line, he enrages Brabantio when he says that his â€Å"daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. † Iago makes use of the monster imagery of fornication to let Brabantio arouse his feeling of anger (Laymopun). It could be seen here that the use of the image of a beast to compare with a human being could bring about a strong emotional response from the other characters in the play and makes it more effective. Another use of monster or beastly image by Iago is seen in his soliloquy: â€Å"It is engendered. Hell and night / Must bring this monstrous birth to the world’s light. † Here, the image of giving birth to a monster is used as a metaphor to portray the birth of Iago’s evil plot (Laymopun). Here, it could be seen that the use of the image of a monster or a beast is associated with being evil; in this case, the evil becoming of Iago. Not only do monsters and beastly images appear in Othello, animal images are also used by the characters. Othello is the one that makes more use of animal imagery. Some of his lines such as: â€Å"exchange me for a goat,† and â€Å"I’d rather be a toad! † evidently makes use of animals such as goat and toad to say that he despises the act of being jealous (â€Å"Example Essays†). He also makes use of these animals as imagery when he was convinced that his wife was unfaithful. Being convinced that his wife was really unfaithful he loses control, saying: â€Å"goats and monkeys† (123HelpMe. com). Othello made use of the animals such as goats and monkeys because traditionally these animals are considered lustful (123HelpMe. com). Here, it can be seen that Othello made use of such animals to compare his wife to these animals and to show how he sees his wife and how he views things, especially jealousy. It is not only Othello that makes use of animal imagery, Iago also made use of such animal images to address Othello. In one part, Iago addresses Othello as â€Å"Barbary horse† and â€Å"old black ram† (SparkNotes Editors). Here, Iago makes use of animals to reflect how he sees Othello. Specifically, the â€Å"old black ram† does not only compare to Othello but is also one of the themes that is dominant in this play, that is, race (SparkNotes Editors). In the line â€Å"old black ram†, it is specified that Othello is black and Iago makes sure to include the â€Å"black† to the animal image to see which race Othello belongs to. It is through this that the relationship of the images with the theme of the play could be clearly seen. The theme of Othello could clearly be seen and understood through the use of animal and monster images. The use of the image of monsters imply that the fundamental idea that this play is presenting is the evil side of a person. This could be concluded because Iago often makes use of the monster or beastly image to refer to an act that is evil. It could also be seen that most animal images are used to refer to something negative. The idea of jealousy, infidelity, and corruption creates a negative and an evil atmosphere which shows the fundamental theme of the play (â€Å"GradeSaver†). Aside from the evil theme seen through animal and monster imagery, race is also another theme discussed in this play. It is mentioned earlier that Iago’s address to Othello as an â€Å"old black ram† shows not only the imagery of an animal but also how race was an issue in this play. It shows the contrast between the blacks and the whites through the character of Othello and that of the Venetian society (123HelpMe. com). Aside from the animal imagery of Othello as â€Å"an old black ram†, he is also referred to as â€Å"far more fair than black†. Both shows how Othello is always viewed with reference to the color of his skin and that even though he holds the position of a general, it still could not be ignored that he is black and the color of his skin still makes him an outcast in the Venetian society dominated by whites (123HelpMe. com). Here, the theme of race and the issue between the blacks and the whites, are clearly presented by using animal images. The use of animal and monstrous imagery by Shakespeare makes an impact on the audience by making them recognize the fundamental idea and the tragedy that Iago faces all because of his treachery. The use of imagery to portray the themes evil and race makes it easier for readers to make meaning out of the play Othello. An image in literature is best described as a mere representation of something that is not present (â€Å"Answers. com†). Images are used in literature to present a clear description or portrayal of a character and or a situation (â€Å"Answers. com†). In both plays, recurring images are seen and these images served as an instrument of figuring out the main focus of the entire play. Both Oedipus Rex and Othello make use of images that make it easier for audience and readers alike to explore their fundamental themes. The images used in both plays serve an essential purpose for the readers’ concept development and understanding of the plays. In Oedipus Rex, the image of darkness and blindness as opposed to sight and light is dominantly seen because of the representation of the blind prophet Tiresias who embodies not only blindness but also sight because even though he is physically blind, he â€Å"sees† the truth unlike Oedipus who is physically able to see but is blind about the truth of his past. In Othello, animal and monster or beast images are used so that readers and audience would be able not only to see but also feel its evil atmosphere. Not only do these images portray evil but also the issue the issue between the blacks and the whites. The use of images of animals as compared to persons and to the emotions that the characters have in the play makes it effective not only in addressing its theme but also in letting readers and audiences feel the atmosphere of the play. It is only right to conclude that the images used in both Oedipus Rex and Othello play an important role in the understanding of the theme of the plays. Looking at the relationship of the images and the theme of both plays, it could be said that images play an essential role in forming meaning by the readers. This could be supported by both the plays discussed because of how each image was rendered useful to the formation of meaning and identification of fundamental ideas discussed in both Oedipus Rex and Othello. Works Cited 123HelpMe. com. â€Å"Free College Essays – Use of Imagery in Shakespeare’s Othello†. Web. 06 June 2010 . Answers. com. â€Å"Image: Definition†. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Jun 2010. . Blue, Tina. â€Å"Traditional Themes and Motifs in Literature†. 2001. n. pag. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . Example Essays. â€Å"Animal Imagery in Othello†. N. p. , n. d. . Web. 2 Jun 2010. . GradeSaver. â€Å"Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King Study Guide†. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . GradeSaver. â€Å"Othello Study Guide:Major Themes†. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . Laymopun. â€Å"Othello: Imagery – TermPaper†. Research Papers and Essays. N. p. , 20 07 2002. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . Novel Guide. â€Å"Oedipus the King: Metaphor Analysis†. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . Shows. â€Å"Themes—Oedipus†. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on Othello. † SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 2 Jun. 2010. SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Oedipus Plays. † SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 2 Jun. 2010. Study Guides and Teacher Resources. â€Å"Oedipus the King Symbolism, Imagery & Allegory†. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Preference Share and Convertible Note Essay

The issue to be considered here is if the legal form of a preference share or a convertible note is paramount or more important than all other things? I do believe this statement is not appropriate and the substance of a preference share or a convertible note is more important than the legal form. Body From the perspective of users, the disclosure in financial statements is the most vital approach to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of the reporting entity. As the equity and the liability always lead to different effects to the reporting entity, so the disclosure of the equity and the liability could lead to users’ different decisions. Therefore, when classifying the equity and the liability, the reporting entity should adhere to the principle of substance over form in AASB Framework para. 35. Based on the above statement, some analysis of this case are as follow: 1. As shown in AASB 132 para. AG25, preference shares, which are redeemable on a specific date or at the option of the holder, should be classified as liabilities rather than equity, and the reason is that the issuer has an obligation to transfer assets to the holder of the preference shares; however, preference shares, which are redeemable at the option of the issuer, should be classified as equity rather than liabilities, since there has no obligations for the issuer to transfer assets to the shareholder. AASB 132 para. AG25 and AG26 also outline that, the classification for non- redeemable preference shares is based on the substance of the arrangement or the rights attach to the shares, rather than the legal form. 2. As shown in Framework, the convertible notes would be classified as equity if conversion to equity is the probable outcome, while the convertible notes would be classified as liabilities if redemption at maturity is the probable outcome. Or as shown in AASB 132 para. 29, convertible notes should be classified separately based on two components: liabilities, since convertible notes are contractual arrangements to deliver cash or another financial asset; and equity, since convertible notes are call options granting the holder the right, for a specified period of time, to convert it into a fixed number of ordinary shares of the entity. In addition, AASB 132 para. AG32 illustrate  that n conversion of a convertible instrument at maturity, the entity derecognizes the liability component and recognizes it as equity, and the original equity component remains as equity. Conclusion Base on the above analysis, I do believe that this statement in this is not appropriate. Since when classified a preference share or a convertible note, according to AASB Framework and AASB standards, the substance over form.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Management Information Systems 12th Edition

1. What are reasons behind Collection services in your library (Pl. put ‘ ‘ on appropriate number) 1. Book Acquisition/ Collection Development 6. 1. 1. Quick response from suppliers [pic] 6. 1. 2. To save money and time of library [pic] 6. 1. 3. To reduce procedure and workflow to get books [pic] 4. To achieve greater efficiency [pic] 5. To get much discount [pic] 4% says yes for the quack response from the supplier and 64% says that it is save the time and money of the library and 71% says that it is also reduce the workflow of the gets books to the library and get more discount for the purchases the book for the library and 86% says the achieve greater efficiency for the book acquisition or collection development. 1. Books Processing Related Function 6. 2. 1.To get books in Ready-To-Shelf position [pic] 6. 2. 2. To reduce time in book processing tasks [pic] 6. 2. 3. TO concentrate on core services/function(Core means LIS education is required to understand the service/f unction) of library [pic] 4. Lack of staff with library [pic] 5. Lack of time with Library staff [pic] 6. To allow users to get book issued from library within sort span of time [pic]Book processing related function means To get books in Ready-To-Shelf position is 57% yes and other says no, To reduce time in book processing tasks is 64% says yes , TO concentrate on core services/function(Core means LIS education is required to understand the service/function) of library is says 43% yes and other 57% says no, Lack of staff with library is 43% yes and, Lack of time with Library staff is says 79% yes, To allow users to get book issued from library within sort span of time is says 71% yes and remain no. 2. Books arrangement and maintenance 6. 3. 1. Lack of Library staff [pic] 6. 3. 2.Concentration on core services/ function of library [pic] Book arrangement and maintenance have to problems one is lace of library staff and other is concentration on core services79% library staff says tha t the library staff is required more for the arrangement and 79% says no for the concentrate on the core services of the library. In the library the staff is not available for the arrangement of books and other core services . 3. Book Preservation and Conservation 6. 4. 1. No expertise with library staff in preservation and conservation tasks [pic] 6. 4. 2. Rare materials needed special care to preserve [pic] 6. 4. 3.Photocopying, digitization, binding, deacidification etc are considered technical jobs [pic] The book Preservation and Conservation is consider 79% yes for No expertise with library staff in preservation and conservation tasks, 71% yes Rare materials needed special care to preserve and 71% no for Photocopying, digitization, binding, deacidification etc are considered technical jobs. 4. Circulation 6. 5. 1. Lack of library staff to performed this task [pic] 6. 5. 2. To run library for late hours [pic] 6. 5. 3. To concentrate on core services/function [pic] Circulation is most important function of the library it is says that 71. 9% says yes for the lack of the staff perform the task of the circulation, 71% no for the run library for the long period of the time means late time and 50% for the concentrate the core services of the library. 5. Classification/Re-classification 6. 6. 1. Reclassification from one classification system to another [pic] 6. 6. 2. To complete the backlog [pic] 6. 6. 3. For completing the classification task within stipulated time [pic] 4. Lack of staff [pic] 5. Lack of time [pic] 6. Cateloguing /Re-cataloguing 6. 7. 1. For Completing of backlog [pic] 6. 7. 2. For completing the cataloging within stipulated time [pic] 6. 7. 3.For cataloging of foreign language materials [pic] 4. Lack of staff [pic] 5. Lack of time [pic] 6. Reducing cost in cataloging [pic] 7. Periodical subscription 6. 8. 1. Lack of time with library staff [pic] 6. 8. 2. To reduce burden on periodical subscription and follow-ups tasks [pic] 6. 8. 3. To concent rate on core services/functions [pic] 8. Reference/e-reference Services 6. 9. 1. Due to increasing of inquiries from users of library [pic] 6. 9. 2. Due to opening Distance education centres [pic] 6. 9. 3. TO increase number of working hours (late evening and early morning) [pic] 4. Lack of professional staff in library [pic] 5.Due to increasing research projects in institute [pic] 6. 10. Indexing 1. Lack of staff to perform the task [pic] 2. To complete backlog of periodical articles indexing within stipulated time [pic] 3. TO uses standard terminology while indexing of periodical articles. [pic] 4. TO concentrate on core services/functions of library [pic] 10. Translation Service 1. Lack of translator in library [pic] 2. Due to increasing demand of translation among library user [pic] 3. Lack of translating skilled and subject’s knowledge in library staff [pic] 4. Translation job is non-library activity and it should be performed by translator pic] 11. Photocopying 1. Due t o increasing price of photocopier machine [pic] 2. To reduce burden of maintenance [pic] 3. To reduce risk of technology that becomes obsolete [pic] 4. Lack of quality if it performed in-house by library staff [pic] 5. To reduce operational and capital cost [pic] 12. Stock verification 1. It is labourious and non-routine (once a year)job. [pic] 2. Library does not want to use its staff in this job [pic] 3. TO avoid burden of staff recruitment for this job [pic] 13. Computer Desktop related functions 1. Lack of skill or knowledge of computing functions [pic] 2.Lack of computers, equipments, softwares and hardware in library [pic] 3. To concentrate on core areas of library [pic] 4. Lack of staff [pic] 14. Automation 1. Lack of expertise on this area in library staff [pic] 2. Lack of time [pic] 3. Lack of library staff [pic] 4. Lack of resources, equipments and technology in library [pic] 5. Concentration on core services/functions of library [pic] 6. Increasing efficiency in library s taff [pic] 15. Digitization 1. To get good qualities in digitized work [pic] 2. Lack of knowledge/expertise in digitization work [pic] 3. To complete digitization in stipulate time pic] 4. To complete the backlog [pic] 5. Lack of knowledge of standard of digitization [pic] 6. Lack of software, Hardware and other equipments with library [pic] 7. To concentrate on core services/functions of library [pic] 16. Retrospective Conversion of Records 1. To convert the data (backlog) from one system to another (e. g. Libsys to KOHA) [pic] 2. Lack of manpower [pic] 3. Lack of knowledge of concern software/system [pic] 4. Lack time with library staff to convert data form one system to another [pic] 17. OPAC/Bar Coding/RFID 1. To resolve trouble shooting in library software [pic] . Barcoding, labeling etc are laborious jobs [pic] 3. Library staff has not enough knowledge to maintain RFID [pic] 4. To make stock verification (automatic) process fast [pic] 18. Webpage Designing/Library Portal Creat ion 1. Lack of knowledge in webpage designing with library staff [pic] 2. To give professional touch to the library portal [pic] 3. To concentrate on core service services/functions of library [pic] 19. Data Server/Data Storage 1. To reduce risk of the software, hardware that become obsolescence [pic] 2. Lack of skilled or expert persons in Library [pic] 3.To gain benefits of resources, investment and expertise of agency [pic] 20. Digital Archival Management/Institutional Repository 1. Lack of knowledge of software among library staff [pic] 2. Lack of time to create digital library [pic] 3. To reduce risk of media, hardware, software become obsolescence [pic] 4. Lack of knowledge of international standards to create metadata [pic] 21. Entire Library/Library Management 1. To reduce responsibility of administration works [pic] 2. To concentrate on core services/functions of library [pic] 3. To reduce burden of employee related issues [pic]